Psychiatrist - PDIN Director

Assoc. Prof. Adem Balikci

CURRICULUM VITAE                                                                                              

Name and surname: Adem Balikci

Date of Birth       : 1976

Place of Birth       : Turkey


1. Medical Faculty:          Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey (1994-2002)

2. Psychiatry Specialist:  Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey (2005-2010)


07/2002 – 05/2003

Practical Year,

05/2003– 08/2005

Medical Doctor, Şırnak, Turkey

05/2010 – 02/2012

Psychiatrist, Military Hospital, Samsun, Turkey

02/2012– 10/2014

Assistent Prof. of Psychiatry, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara,   Ankara,  Turkey


Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara,   Ankara, Turkey


Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry, Anka Psychiatry Center, Malatya, Turkey


Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry, Özkaya Medical Center, Ankara, Turkey


Turkisch, English, German

Book (Author)

A. Balıkcı. Individualized treatment of psychotic states with exampled cases. (Turkish) First press, İstanbul, 2014. Publisher certificate 21993. ISBN:978-605-9005-28-9.


1.  The role of latent viral enfections at acute psycotic states. A. Bolu, K. Şener, A. Balıkcı, M. Erdem, C. Çelik. Congress on Psychopharmacological Treatment, 15 – 18 November 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Posterpresentation Award.

2. Cognitive functions in bipolar manic, depressed and remitted episodes.  M. Erdem, A. Doruk, A. Balıkcı, M. A. Ateş, A. Bolu. 3rd International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance. May 30th-June 2nd, 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece. Posterpresentation Award.

3.  Serum cortisol levels in posttraumatic stress disorder. M. Erdem, A. Doruk, A. Balıkcı. 18th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, 22-26 May, 2013, İstanbul, Turkey. Best National Posterpresentation Award.

Memberships in Scientific Organizations

1. Psychiatric Association of Turkey

2. Clinical Psychopharmacology Society Psychosis Working Group (Before 2016)

3. Member of Editorial Board of Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation

4. Reviewer: Journal of Affective Disorders, Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigations.

Invited speaker at congresses and symposiums

1. World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference, June 9-12, 2011, İstanbul. Oral presentation session. OP09-16.Hall, Zeus A. Chairmans: G. H. Javanmard & A. Balıkcı.

2. Secretary of the Symposium. TAF Preventive Mental Health Symposium, Scientific Studies Abstract Book, p: 2, Ankara, 06-08 May 2009

3. Adjustment Disorder. TAF Preventive Mental Health Symposium, 6-8 May 2009. Ankara, Turkey.

Mental Health in Operations. Health Services Symposium, 18 June 2010, Erzurum, Turkey.

4. Traumatic Brain Injury – A New Diagnosis. Symposium on Psychiatric Traumas in Operations, 28 April 2011, Diyarbakır, Turkey.

5. Does antisociality leads to violence. Panel 9. 48th National Psychiatry Congress, 9-13 September 2012, Bursa, Turkey.

Lectures, Courses and Training Tasks

1. Anxiety Disorders, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, 5th grade, years 2012-2016

2. Personality disorders, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, 5th grade, years 2012-2016

3. Sexuality / Sexual dysfunction, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, 5th grade, years 2012-2016

4. Practical Intern Education, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, 6th grade, years 2012-2016

5. Practical Asisstant Doctor Education, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, years 2012-2016

6. Practitioner Doctor Training Courses, Ministry of Health of Turkey, Ankara Provincial Health Directorate, 2017-2018

7. Issues to be considered in preventive mental health education in military units; case examples. 40th Term RDM Orientation Course. 28 January-1 February 2013, Ankara, Turkey.

8. Psychiatric emergencies. Ankara Emergency Doctors Certificate Program Basic Module Training. May 9, 2013. Ankara, Turkey.

9. Psychiatric emergencies. Ankara Emergency Doctors Certificate Program Basic Module Training. 18 September 2012. Ankara, Turkey.

10. Problems related to substance abuse. 41st Term RDM Orientation Course. 4-8 February 2013, Ankara, Turkey.



”Interpersonal therapy, Level A Course”, Prof. Oğuz Omay

Publicated Articles (See Publication List)                   :    35   

Publicated Case Reports and Poster presentations      :    55

Citations                                                                         :    229

H-index                                                                           :      9

i10-index                                                                         :      8